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Welcome to MUBIG Data World Wide Headquarters

While this site is primarily intended for use by MUBIG members, it also provides some general information about the bowling industry's Multi-Unit Bowling Information Group which is comprised of companies and/or corporations with multiple bowling center establishments throughout the United States and abroad.

For contact information on MUBIG, click on Contact

A Brief History

The Multi Unit Bowling Information Group known as MUBIG was a spin-off of the original BPAA Chain Committee. The first meeting was held on August 7, 1974 in Baltimore, MD with astounding attendance by 20 companies comprised of 500 bowling centers and 17,000 lanes. Their objective was to set up an organization to compile important data and become the group to represent chains to BPAA and proprietors in general. Early on, they modeled their compilation of data to that of the hotel industry. Further study brought the decision to base their information on lines per lane. This would be submitted to an independent public accounting firm who would compile the data without revealing figures on an individual company basis. The results were startling and MUBIG’s statistical findings became the “biblical guide” for the bowling industry.

Today MUBIG is comprised of over 30 members operating 673 centers and 25,614 lanes. The criteria for membership is the ownership of 3 or more centers with a minimum of 100 lanes. The group has three meetings a year with the December meeting being a combined social event for spouses.

The meetings are primarily to discuss the significance of the statistical results, exchange ideas and Best Practices and to keep apprised of important tax and legislative issues. Representatives of other organizations are invited to address the group with topics and items of current interest regarding educational, financial, promotional or compliance issues.

MUBIG has become a significant force in the bowling industry and continues to grow in membership and in its contribution to the industry.

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